Are you one of those women who need or simply want to wear high heels but don’t know how to walk in them looking elegant and of course pain-free? Embrace your femininity as you move with confidence, power and elegance. Each workout session is an opportunity to challenge yourself, express yourself and release your inner energy.
“Walk like a Lady” workouts combine elements of traditional fitness routines with the unique
challenge of wearing high heels.
75 minutes of workout, the first half of which is a mix of various exercises for warming up the
feet, strengthening the joints of the feet as well as exercises for the whole body, barefoot, then
in heels we practice walking techniques, balance and posture and at the end of the class we
finish with stretching.
They are led by an instructor specialized in exercises for different ages as well as a long-time
Argentine tango instructor.
* The exercises are safe and will not cause any pain when performed, on the contrary, walking in heels for long hours will be pain-free.
Fit Lady exercises promote strength, power, balance and confidence while offering a fun and innovative approach to fitness for women of all ages and fitness levels.
Comfortable clothes and your favorite heels for walking exercises.