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Plamenka Trajkovska

Plamenka Trajkovska – violin is a permanent member of the Philharmonic of North Macedonia. She constantly works with small chamber ensembles in the music organization Plamenka Trajkovska – small chamber ensembles, which includes a string quartet and trio, a string sextet, a duo violin and piano and a small chamber ensemble.

Small chamber ensembles create music programs with classical music and crossover with multimedia elements and music technology and perform on official concert stages and in alternative spaces in order to bring classical music closer to the general public and young people.

Plamenka Trajkovska is the author and performer of the album “Appassionato” and the album “Carnival of the Animals” by Camille Saint-Saëns in an adaptation for violin and piano, she is the author and performer of several singles for solo violin and tape.

Plamenka Trajkovska has performed a large number of concerts in Macedonia and at the most important cultural events Skopje Summer, Beat Fest, Shtip Cultural Summer, Petrovden Handshakes, Warm Cultural Wave, Karaman Meetings, Kavadarci Cultural Autumn, and many other performances on concert stages in Macedonia and concerts in Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, France, Oman, China, Tanzania and Turkey.

She has been playing the Joh.Bapt.Switzer violin since 1813.

She loves traveling and science fiction films and tango.

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