Filip Petreski was born in Prilep, Macedonia.
He completed his primary music education at the OOMU “Ordan Mihajlovski - Ocka” in his hometown.
He continued his education at the DMBUC “Ilija Nikolovski - Luj” Skopje in the accordion class of Prof. MA Zorica Karakutovska, in whose class at the Faculty of Musical Arts Skopje at the University “Sts. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje he graduated with the highest grade “cum laude”.
As a guest soloist and member of various chamber ensembles he participated in several events including the international project “WORLD ACCORDION DAY” (May 6th World Accordion Day), concerts organized by the Musical Youth of Macedonia, the “Golden Lyre” Festival, Musica Viva, Festival of Young Accordionists, DAM – Festival, Evening with the Sounds of the Accordion, Philharmonic for Philharmonics and others.
In 2015 Filip won 5th place at one of the most prestigious accordion competitions “Castelfidardo” in Italy, while in the same year he promoted Macedonian creativity at the world accordion cup “Coupe Mondiale” which was held in Turku – Finland with a performance of the piece “Dej-gi-di” by composer Bete Ilin.
In 2021, Filip won a Gold Medal in Italy at the 12th international accordion competition “ITALY AWARD”, while continuously on the Macedonian music scene he held his first recital under the title “Evening with the Sounds of the Accordion” in Ohrid, and he also performed with a semi-recital at the 61st edition of the “Ohrid Summer” Festival on the youth podium.
A few months later in 2022, Filip organized another solo recital in Skopje, at the premises of the Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra, with the participation of professors and students from the Faculty of Music in Skopje.
Today, Filip is a full-time accordion professor at the secondary and primary state music school “Todor Skalovski – Tetoec” in Tetovo, where he passes on his knowledge and experience to the younger generations. He is also a member of the chamber ensemble AGOGIK, with which he regularly performs at various festivals, marathons and events at the national and international level.