Center 213

5th anniversary

Event name: Academy TangoM celebration - 5th birthday,
When: January 25–27, 2019
Where: Restaurant MKC

A weekend filled with tango, hugs, smiles, positive energy, cake and lots of gifts. Let's toast with a glass of champagne as we celebrate Academy TangoM's 5th birthday!

The program includes:

January 25 – Amica Milonga at restaurant AMIKA (GTC) with DJ Onur Mok (21:00).
January 26 – Gala evening at restaurant MKC: tango show with Milos Miloradovic and Jelena Minic (Serbia), premiere performance of the trio "Tango Ritmo" and many surprises (18:00). DJ Nemanja Maric will host the night.
January 27 – Kashmir Milonga at cafe-bar Kashmir with DJ Marija Zafirova (20:00).

Legend has it that to fully experience joy, you need to share it with someone. We would be happy if that someone were you. Come to the birthday party where the birthday person gives gifts!

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