Center 213

Event Name: Bereginia - Slavic Yoga for Women

Date: January 18th from 11:00 to 14:00

Where: In Centar 2 1 3

These workshops will introduce you to Bereginia - Slavic Yoga or Yoga Girl for women only. Slavic Yoga is a physical and mental exercise, exercise or practice inspired by nature, imitating living plants. Composed of sets in nine (9) rounds, they are practiced in the environment of the season, time, even until the end of the practitioner's time.

The exercises are a set of 27 practices that aim to strengthen, stretch and relax the body, maintain the endocrine system, and help with stress, unblock diseases and raise our mood. focuses on the thighs, hips, abdomen and female reproductive system

In each lesson we will begin with an intention and do a short meditation to focus our mind on an idea. The essence of this method is that during the class we not only work with the body, through stretching to create balance and harmony, we also do it mentally, aimed at paying attention to our goals.

Description and details of the Seminar

What you will receive:

- Herbal tea Coffee/Herbal tea conversation and conversation with the instructor to explain your personalized card

- After the seminar you will receive a personal character description according to the date of attendance and guidance in the area of ​​your strengths and talents and weaknesses, your challenge.

- Access to a set of videos with personal exercises, according to your date of characteristics just for you, which you will be able to practice further and on your own whenever you wish.

- Access to a group of all yoga practitioners of this technique with the opportunity to publish them at the agreed thematic group exercises for those who have passed this seminar.

- A wonderful new experience and connection with practitioners of this technique. This practice is for your happiness as a woman. For harmony, for building strong family and relationships. For energetic connections and for creating space around you!

Seminar Schedule:

Seminar Duration:

One day, Saturday from 11:00 to 14:00 + additional 30 minutes for discussion, optimal

Seminar Content:


11:00 - 11:15 Description of the technique "Berginia Yoga" and what kind of medicine it is

11:15 - 11:30 Warm-up

11:30 - 11:45 Conscious Relaxation

- Speech about the event

- Overview

Start with the exercises

11:45 - 12:15 first set of 3 rounds - 9 exercises

12:15 - 12:25 break/relaxation

12:25 - 12:45 second set of 3 rounds - 9 exercises

12:45 - 12:50 break/relaxation

12:50 - 13:20 third set of 3 rounds - 9 exercises

13:20 - 13:35 Relaxation and affirmation of the initial intention

* if necessary, the breaks between sets can be 10 minutes for water and relaxation

13:35 - 14:00 Discussion with coffee/coffee

Regular exercises help you understand and love your body, take care of it and treat it as a temple. A temple, where the heart can be in silence, accepts the medicines of life. The power of women's yoga is a blessing from the Universe.

We hope to meet and get to know each other at this seminar!

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